Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Steak and Black Bean Chili (or something like it)
1 1lb lean steak (cut in cubes) I didn't specify what kind of steak because of availability, I used what is called a Flat Iron ~($5.99/lb) steak, can be bought at Kroger, Smith's, or Food Lion in the east. If that is not available look for Top Blade steaks (same muscle just cut different) make sure you remove the connective tissue in the center of the Top Blade. If none of this is available use a sirloin steak cut, there are many available. Don't use a New York Strip or Ribeye, just too valuable for this.
1 small sweet onion
1 can sundried (look for them in the Italian aisle)
1/4 cup good salsa (Not Pace, or Tostitos. I use habenero salsa but use to your tolerance.)
Small spoon of Garlic
2 cans Black Beans
cayenne pepper
chili powder
olive oil
Sour Cream
So take the onion chop it inot small pieces sautee it in olive oil until mostly caramelized, add garlic, cayenne pepper, and chili powder (Not too much). Coat meat with pepper and a little salt, then add your cubed meat, and brown. Next add tomatoes, salsa. Let cook for a few minute and add black beans, allow about 10 minutes simmering time then serve. I serve it with a dollop of Daisy (some sour-cream), cheese, and cubed avocado.
Monday, January 19, 2009
And now for something completely different - Kibbeh, Hummus, Stuffed Tomatos, and Creamy Lime Tarts

These are some hollowed out Romas, I love the flavor of Romas.
Here is the stuffed Roma ready to go into the foil.
Hollowed, stuffed, and wrapped all ready for the oven.
6 Romas
8 ounces feta cheese
1 tablespoon olive oil
2 tablespoons Greek Seasoning (I like Cavender's, or Penskey's.)
Mix the feta, oil and seasoning. Hollow tomatoes, save the caps. Stuff, recap and wrap, (oops didn't mean to rhyme). Cook for about 20 min in a 400 degree oven.
Here is my favorite pita. Goes great with Kibbeh and Hummus.
Preheat oven to Hi Broil
3 cups flour
2 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons yeast
1 tablespoon salt
Warm Water
I'll be honest I've never measured, but that is about what I put in. Mix all the dry ingredients. Then add water til the dough sticks together. It is better to make it a little sticky, it seems to rise better. Then break it into 8 or so even sized balls. Let them sit for 1/2 hr. Roll them out to 1/8 inch thick or so. Put your top oven rack as high as it can go. This is the fun part, at least for me. I place the rolled out pita on a cookie sheet directly under the broiler then I watch it until it stops rising or gets some brown spots which ever comes first, the rising always amazes me, I guess simple things really amaze simple minds. Then flip and let it do the same. Then pull it out and enjoy.
1 can chick peas
3 tablespoons tahini (look in the health food isle, by peanut butter, or with condiments it is always in a weird place.) Tahini is just sesame butter.
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 tablespoons lemon juice
Small spoonful of garlic (minced or crushed)
salt, pepper, paprika and Greek Seasoning to taste.
Mix everything and blend it in a food processor, let it sit. This one is dusted with paprika a few chick peas and pine nuts.
1 lb lean ground beef
1/8 lb pine nuts
red wine vinegar
small spoon full of garlic (crushed or minced not powdered.)
Salt, Pepper
Mix all the ingredients together. Shape into balls and place in muffin tins bake at 425 degrees until the meat reaches an internal temperature of 160.

Sunday, January 18, 2009
Herbed Pork Roast with Berry Sauce
1 tablespoon fresh parsley
Kosher salt to taste
Fresh ground pepper
2 tablespoons Red Wine Vinegar
These measurements aren't exact. I just get enough of the herbs to cover the entire pork loin, for a larger loin you need more, and more sauce. I like to use more rosemary than anything else, then thyme and basil. Just use these proportions or something like it, but how can you go wrong with rosemary and thyme, or Scarborough Fair for that matter.

1/2 C. butter
1/2 C. chopped pecans
1/2 pint fresh blueberries
1 tablespoon red wine
2 tablespoon sugar
1 tablespoon lemon
Melt butter in sauce pan. Add pecans and blueberries. Cook and stir on medium heat until blueberries are soft. Add the red wine, sugar and lemon juice. Cook until sauce thickens. You can actually use any type of berry; black, straw or ras. Or whatever is available. I like blueberries because I like blue, and I was addicted to blueberry muffins as a child.
Welcome The World of Dan
Oh and thanks to my sis for the awesome pictures.